
Amorphophallus konjac "Black Stem" K. Koch


This is a black-stemmed form of A. konjac. The stem on young plants is actually very dark green, and becomes much darker with age. Otherwise, it is apparently the same as a regular A. konjac.

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This is a two-year old plant, started from an offset that was about 1/2 inch across and 1 inch long in 1994. In summer 1995, the leaf is about 10 inches across.
Another specimen, this one is three years old, about 18 inches across.
Closeup of the stem of a young plant.
Inflorescence of a big specimen, growing on the grounds of the Men's Garden Club in Raleigh, NC. This photo has been taken in spring 1995.
Closeup of the inflorescence.
The tuber breaking dormancy looks like an underwater creature with tentacles...

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All photos Copyright © 1996 Krzysztof Kozminski

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